We hope you can make it to our Gala Rocks Fundraiser on 22nd April.
The winners of the Coupar Angus Photo Competition 2017 have been announced.
PRIZE WINNERS Category A, People: Photo by Kevin Urquhart - 'Lawrence Blair Oliphant at the Blairgowrie Highland Games', https://www.facebook.com/groups/Coupar....Angus.Photo.Competition/permalink/1771701979757755/ Category B, The Natural World: Photo by Lauren Coutts - 'From the top of Aberfeldy' https://www.facebook.com/groups/Coupar.Angus.Photo.Competition/permalink/1776221822639104/ Category C, The Manmade World: Photo by Jimmy Harris - 'Harlow's Angels', https://www.facebook.com/groups/Coupar.Angus.Photo.Competition/permalink/1775775522683734/ Thank you to everyone who took part (prizes on their way) Visitors to the Potting Shed Studio at Easter Balgersho this weekend were treated to a beautiful selection of floral paintings and mixed media pictures by Roz Arno Button. Here is a small selection of her work.
![]() Locals have reacted angrily at the sudden removal of the two ‘policemen’ standing watch on Forfar Road. Speeding has been a chronic problem on Forfar Road near Larghan Park for many years, causing concern amongst local residents. Repeated requests to Perth and Kinross Council and Tayside Police have been met with no effective response. The situation came to a head in October 2016 when toddler Harlow Edwards was killed by a speeding driver near her home at Larghan View. Since then, frustration at the lack of action by Perth and Kinross Council and Tayside Police has grown, finally leading some Coupar Angus residents to come up with a highly unusual and imaginative plan involving two 'special constables'. In fact these were two mannequins dressed in reflective yellow jerkins at the roadside, along with signs asking motorists to ‘Slow Down’. Many eye-witness accounts indicated they were having a remarkable effect in reducing driver speed. Yesterday morning, just three days later, Perth and Kinross Council removed the mannequins, claiming they were illegal and dangerous, as they could potentially distract drivers. In response, Sara Edwards, Harlow’s Mum, pointed out on social media that Police Scotland had said they were not illegal. As for the claim that the mannequins were dangerous, this was met with anger and derision on social media. Jimmy Harris, a resident of Larghan View, stated: “I think we need to have a strong word with the Council. The idea that two scarecrows are more dangerous than speeding cars shows they have no common sense.” Other residents have reported that since the mannequins were removed, the problem of speeding has become as bad as ever. Uniformed police are now watching out for speeding vehicles on Forfar Road 24 hours a day. Although they are not officially part of Tayside Police, they are doing a sterling job of reminding drivers of the importance of sticking to an appropriate speed for a residential area. Locals report that the new speed sentinels are having an improving effect on driving standards.
![]() Perth and Kinross Council has announced that work will commence on the long-discussed modifications to Queen Street on Monday 27th February 2017. The works consist of a pavement build-out beside the Tollbooth Steeple of approximately 3 feet, and a narrower build-out on the other side of the road, so that traffic can only get through in one direction at a time - see diagram below. An earlier version of the proposal was presented by Chic Haggart (Roads Service Manager) and Willie Young (Head of Service) at the meeting of Coupar Angus & Bendochy Community Council on 14th November. The plan at that time consisted of a single build-out, beside the Tollbooth Steeple. However, several members of the public who were in attendance at the meeting felt that the pavement opposite should be wider, as this was used more often by pedestrians. Also, it was the place where lorries most often mounted the pavement. As a result of these comments, the proposals were changed to include a second pavement build-out. While it was generally acknowledged to be far from perfect, the Community Council approved it on condition that the narrowed section of road must be wide enough for combine harvesters and other large vehicles to pass without mounting the pavement. A second condition was that the new layout should prevent queuing vehicles blocking the entrance to the former Culross Printworks (now part of the MJV group). Got some time to spare? The RVS is a great organisation that helps people to help each other. For more information, click here - http://www.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk.
![]() The Coupar Angus Snowdrop Festival programme, designed by local artist Cornelia Weinmann, has now been published - download here. For 2017 the Coupar Angus Snowdrop Festival will include a Snowdrop Lecture, a Snowdrop Fair, Snowdrop Arts and Crafts. a Snowdrop Cycle, a Snowdrop Walk, a Bingo Tea, a Ceilidh, a dinner dance, Snowdrop Shop Window Displays, a Murder Mystery and some Snowdrop Music. Snowdrop villages include Coupar Angus, Campuir and Kettins. |
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