Speeding has been a chronic problem on Forfar Road near Larghan Park for many years, causing concern amongst local residents. Repeated requests to Perth and Kinross Council and Tayside Police have been met with no effective response. The situation came to a head in October 2016 when toddler Harlow Edwards was killed by a speeding driver near her home at Larghan View.
Since then, frustration at the lack of action by Perth and Kinross Council and Tayside Police has grown, finally leading some Coupar Angus residents to come up with a highly unusual and imaginative plan involving two 'special constables'. In fact these were two mannequins dressed in reflective yellow jerkins at the roadside, along with signs asking motorists to ‘Slow Down’. Many eye-witness accounts indicated they were having a remarkable effect in reducing driver speed.
Yesterday morning, just three days later, Perth and Kinross Council removed the mannequins, claiming they were illegal and dangerous, as they could potentially distract drivers.
In response, Sara Edwards, Harlow’s Mum, pointed out on social media that Police Scotland had said they were not illegal. As for the claim that the mannequins were dangerous, this was met with anger and derision on social media.
Jimmy Harris, a resident of Larghan View, stated: “I think we need to have a strong word with the Council. The idea that two scarecrows are more dangerous than speeding cars shows they have no common sense.”
Other residents have reported that since the mannequins were removed, the problem of speeding has become as bad as ever.