Saturday 4th July 2020
It is a rainy Saturday and a bit on the cool side but I was certainly warmed up to receive this letter in the post (attached ). It is recognition of all the hard work that the volunteers in our group have done. And we are still available to do. So Sunday paper deliveries, Wee Store on Mondays from 10.00am – 11.00am and shopping/prescriptions collection on request.
This week I have been at the Coupar Angus play park with my grandchildren. It was so lovely to have them running around free. As well as that, there were other parents there with picnic baskets and enjoying a bit of relaxation. ‘Granny push the swing, climb the slide ‘(note not slide down it!) and generally running around. A wee piece of normality which is very welcome.
I followed many of our residents and got my jam berries last week at the store and have made strawberry jam – of course now the request for pancakes to have with them has been made.
Kettins Wee Store
This will continue on a Monday at 10.00am – 11.00am for a few weeks. We are hoping for a sunny morning – but we will have to wait and see. Please come along and if you have produce to share, then that is great too. Table berries (strawberries and raspberries) are available on the day but if you want some jam berries, then please pre order them through me. Strawberries and Raspberries available this week. We do have some spares but we don’t want you to be disappointed.
There are always a few plants that are added to the exchange table and this week we will also have daffodil bulbs that are being harvested by the Lyburn’s, so thank you for them. So you never know what treats await you each week. As usual potatoes, eggs and groceries. Face coverings are also available at the Store or by request from [email protected] See you all there.
We are also a collection point for the Coupar Angus Food Larder, so please bring along anything that you can spare and put into the box. Thank you.
Discover Blairgowrie
The group has made some videos of the shops that are open in the town and you can see around them with the COVID measures in place. https://www.facebook.com/discoverblairgowrie So if you have not ventured out yet and want to see what the shops have in place, this is a great way to find out. Well done folks. In case you did not know there is a new book shop opened up in the Wellmeadow too!
Clap for the NHS 72nd birthday
There is to be a ‘clap for the NHS’ to recognise its contribution on this 72nd birthday. 5pm on Sunday 5th July 2020. So this is your chance to show your support.
Courgette and Tomato bake
500g courgettes cut into 0.5cm slices, Salt, 75g butter,
225 g tomatoes skinned and chopped, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 clove of garlic skinned and crushed, ½ teaspoon sugar, pepper
50 g cheese grated, and7 tablespoons of fresh white breadcrumbs – mixed together.
Put the courgette slices into a colander, sprinkle with salt and allow to drain for about ½ hour. Melt 50g of butter in a frying pan and add the courgettes, cook until soft and transparent. Then place in an oven proof bowl. Melt the remaining butter and add the tomatoes, parsley, garlic, sugar and pepper. Cook to a thickish paste, check seasoning and then pour over the courgettes. Sprinkle the cheese and breadcrumb mix over the top and then brown under the grill.
Great on its own or as a vegetable side dish.
Keep safe